Step-by-Step Guide

Learn the Basics

Step 1: Learn the Basics

Get to know the basics of study abroad by attending a First Step Meeting or contacting the Padnos International Center.

Plan Your Study Abroad 

Office Hours
130 Lake Ontario Hall

Monday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Study Abroad FAQ's

Talking to your Parents/Guardians


Step 2: Browse Programs

Explore your program options! Students can use the GVSU Program Search to find programs based on location, program type, subjects offered and more.

During your search, keep in mind that there is a wide range of study abroad options. Program length ranges from 2 weeks to a full year abroad. Some programs will allow you to travel in a group and others will be more independent. There are program options for every academic track in every region of the world. Feel free to use our Program Comparison Tool to help you choose the best program for you!


Step 3: Meet with a Study Abroad Adviser

Study Abroad Advisers are available to help students before, during and after their study abroad experience.

Visit the Padnos International Center in 130 Lake Ontario Hall for advising.

Study abroad advisers are also available to answer questions via email at or (616) 331-3898. 

Research Funding

Step 4: Research Funding

Study abroad costs vary depending on the program a student selects. While some programs are more expensive, the majority of programs are similar to what you would spend at GVSU and some may even be less. There are 15+ GVSU programs that may save a student money when compared to the cost of a semester at GVSU. Study abroad advisers are happy to work with students to make a budget plan. 

Financial Aid                                      


Scholarships-at-a-Glance Packet               

Affordable Programs

To learn more about funding study abroad, students can attend a Funding 101 Workshop. Check the Events Calendar for an up-to-date schedule.


Step 5: Apply Online

All GVSU students who study abroad are required to apply online through the GVSU study abroad application portal including students who choose to participate in a provider program. 

This is necessary for you to maintain your GVSU student status, earn credits toward your GVSU degree and have access to your GVSU Financial Aid package. 

Apply Now

Application steps

Already Applied?

Your next steps will be based on what type of program you are participating in. We recommend referencing the following guide:


Additional Information

Non-GVSU Students: 
Students who are not from GVSU are welcome to apply to GVSU faculty-led programs. Please view information for Non-GVSU Students 

Travel Warnings: 
If you are interested in studying abroad in a country that is on the U.S. Travel Warning List, there is an additional appeal process. Please check out PIC's Travel Warning Policy for more information.

PIC Policies: 

Review these important Policies from the Padnos International Center, regarding your study abroad program. 

Page last modified August 9, 2024